Rotary District 6110 Choices
Remember Being a Teenager?
If you knew then just a little of what you know now, would it not
have been easier?
CHOICES is an interactive decision-making workshop that empowers teens to achieve academic success in pursuit of their career and life aspirations. In two hour-long sessions, business and community volunteers take students through real-world exercises on academic self-discipline, time and money management, and goal setting.
Students get it. Communities want it.
CHOICES keeps teens "into" school!
The CHOICES seminar is typically presented at the 8th or 9th grade level, since these students are old enough to envision the future, yet young enough to develop positive skills and habits for success in high school and beyond.
To see a typical teaching/learning event, click on Choices.
CHOICES is a great program to get your Rotary Club involved in your local schools. It helps the individual Rotarians, inspires the children receiving the program and opens more doors for your club to develop other Rotary services such as Interact, Rotaract, and Rotary Youth Exchange.
To learn more about the program check out the Choices website.
For more information about the Choices programs in District 6110, please contact:
Susan Sangren, District 6110 Choices Committee Chair